Arthritis 101

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Arthritis 101 GER

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Anonymisierte Röntgenbilder von verschiedenen Arthritisformen wurden von Dr. Katharina Ziegeler und Prof. Dr. Kay G. Hermann annotiert. Durch die Untersuchung dieser Fälle können Studierende und Ärzte mehr Sicherheit in der Diagnose von Patienten mit Gelenkproblemen gewinnen.


  • Fortgeschrittene seropositive rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Psoriasisarthritis mit typischen Periostproliferationen
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis mit gelenknaher Demineralisation, Weichteilschwellungen und Erosionen
  • Erosive Heberdenarthrose
  • STT-Arthrose
  • Psoriasisarthritis
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis in Kombination mit Polyarthrosis deformans. Status nach Metatarsaleköpfchenresektion an den Füßen.
  • Fortgeschrittene Psoriasisarthritis
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Heberdenarthrose (erosiv)
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Psoriasisarthritis
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Polyarthrosis deformans
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Arthrosis deformans
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis mit Erosionen an den Händen und Füßen


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Ziegeler, Katharina

Katharina Ziegeler

Dr. Katharina Ziegeler is a board-certified radiologist at the department of radiology at Charité Berlin, where she completed her medical studies in 2015. Already during her undergraduate training, she discovered her passion for medical education as a tutor for practical medical skills in the learning center of Charité. 
Scientifically, she began her work with analyses of CT imaging for chondrocalcinosis/CPPD and completed her doctorate on this topic. Subsequently, she published a series of scientific articles on imaging in rheumatic diseases. Her current focus of research is in the field of the axial skeleton, for which she was able to obtain a research grant from the ASAS international society in 2020/2021.

Hermann, Kay G.

Kay G. Hermann

Dr. Hermann is a professor of radiology specialized in musculoskeletal imaging with a focus on arthritides. His research is dedicated mainly to the axial skeleton but the peripheral joints as well. The majority of his research projects are in the field of spondyloarthritis, where he is also connected with other researchers from Canada, UK, Germany, and Israel. He has also a strong track in applying innovative technology within medical education. He is an active member of ASAS, ESSR, DGMSR, and DRG and has won the Conrad Wilhelm Roentgen award in 2011, Felix Wachsmann award in 2014 and DVMB research prize in 2015. In 2019 he was promoted to associate professor.

Lopes Viana, Sergio

Sergio Lopes Viana

Dr. Sergio Lopes Viana is a practicing musculoskeletal radiologist at the Hospital da Criança de Brasília (Brasília Children’s Hospital) in Brasília, Brazil, with a particular interest in rheumatology, pediatric musculoskeletal imaging, and articular injuries, also being a full member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. He graduated with a degree in Medicine from the Universidade Federal do Piauí (Teresina, Brazil) in 1995 and completed residencies in Internal Medicine at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil, 1997) and in Radiology at the Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (Brasília, Brazil, 2000). He co-authored the books “Diagnóstico por imagem em reumatologia” (Guanabara-Koogan, 2007) and “Joint imaging in childhood and adolescence” (Springer, 2013 [1st ed] and 2019 [2nd ed]). His publications also include five book chapters and dozens of articles published in Brazil and abroad. He has also lectured extensively on musculoskeletal imaging as a guest speaker throughout Brazil.

He maintains a bilingual Instagram channel.