Pitfalls on MRI of the axial skeleton

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Pitfalls on MRI of the axial skeleton

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Differenzialdiagnose des chronischen Rückenschmerzes in der MRT. 

Dieses Lehrmodul führt ein in die korrekte Interpretation von Enthesitis und Osteitis am Achsenskelett und präsentiert neben typischen Mustern bei axialer Spondyloarthritis einige Fallgruben, welche den Befunden des rheumatischen Formenkreises täuschend ähnlich sehen.


  • Hodgkin Lymphom des Knochens
  • Enthesiopathie der Achillessehne bei V.a. Psoriasis-Arthritis.
  • Hyperostosis triangularis ilii (bds.) und Osteitis condensans (rechts)
  • Fraktur des Os sacrum
  • Fazettengelenksarthritis und floride Enthesitis der Ligg. interspinalia
  • M. Scheuermann
  • Ankylosierende Spondylitis mit Fazettenarthritis und Costovertebralarthritis
  • Osteoidosteom im Wirbelbogen des 2. HWK
  • Zusammenfassung


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Hermann, Kay G.

Kay G. Hermann

Dr. Hermann is a professor of radiology specialized in musculoskeletal imaging with a focus on arthritides. His research is dedicated mainly to the axial skeleton but the peripheral joints as well. The majority of his research projects are in the field of spondyloarthritis, where he is also connected with other researchers from Canada, UK, Germany, and Israel. He has also a strong track in applying innovative technology within medical education. He is an active member of ASAS, ESSR, DGMSR, and DRG and has won the Conrad Wilhelm Roentgen award in 2011, Felix Wachsmann award in 2014 and DVMB research prize in 2015. In 2019 he was promoted to associate professor.