Rays of Progress: A Radiology Learning Journey Through 2023

Imagine this: A radiologist confidently diagnoses a rare condition or has a “Eureka” moment while working through one of our learning modules. These are the stories which keep us going, and we’d like to hear a lot more of them. As we take a reflective journey through our personal milestones of 2023, you can already think of your favorite BCV moment of 2023.

BerlinCaseViewer Goes Hybrid

We—and anybody eager to work with us—used to have to decide: Teach via training iPads on-site or use the BerlinCaseViewer web app for online courses? Now, both systems are integrated and synchronized to work as a team. That’s thanks to our great team of developers, Razvan Radu and Martin Fischer.

Online, on-site or hybrid: BerlinCaseViewer events

This way, we can provide hybrid events with even more interactive features. Online users can download our mobile app to their device and work their way through cases during or after online courses presented on the big screen with our web app. And vice versa, on-site participants working with the training iPads provided by the BCV team can gain even more insights with cases shown and explained via web app on the projector screen.

So, we couldn’t wait to put this hybrid system to the test!

BerlinCaseViewer On-site

In the heart of spring, we saw the blossoming of the first Rheuma-Day, orchestrated by the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR). Over 90 radiologists immersed themselves in an exchange of knowledge in the conference room at the Hotel Aquino on March 24th in Berlin, Germany.

Guided by the expertise of radiologist Kay G. Hermann, the day-long workshop was a deep dive into rheumatic diseases, exploring both peripheral (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) and axial manifestations (e.g. spondyloarthritis).

Rheuma-Day: Hands-on education on-site

From the insights of Torsten Diekhoff and Katharina Ziegeler to Daniel Abrar’s comprehensive overview and Denis Poddubnyy’s emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches, the event had a fascinating agenda in store.

Interactive case studies, facilitated by iPads and personal devices, allowed participants to actively engage and delve further—using the BerlinCaseViewer app. Amidst the vivid discussions we came to the conclusion, this was only the beginning, setting the stage for yet another Rheuma-Day to come. The Rheuma-Day 2024 will be our first English-language on-site continuing education event.

BerlinCaseViewer Visits Brazil

As you can see, to this day, rheumatic diseases are at the heart of the BerlinCaseViewer. However, over the years we ventured further—into other topics and also into other countries. In an enthralling cooperation with radiologist colleagues from Brazil, we did both. And we have to thank radiologist Aline Serfaty who made it all possible by sharing her expertise and bringing on board a dozen professionals to do the same.

Cases of the Global South

You want to know how it all came together? Then take a look behind the scenes and find out more in our interview about translating and creating the Brazil module. Because, obviously, radiologists across the globe speak the same language when using technical terms such as “vertebra” or “clavicle” and discussing cases in English. But there are also differences.

The diseases that medical professionals have to deal with on a daily basis vary from country to country. For instance in Germany, so-called civilization diseases such as diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disease, or cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, as well as back pain, are part of the daily routine. On the other hand, diseases that are rather rare and sometimes neglected in research and teaching are very present in clinical practice elsewhere. This is true, for example, of tuberculosis and cysticercosis in Brazil. Our Brazil module focuses on such diseases—and does so in two languages: English (🇬🇧) and Portuguese (🇵🇹|🇧🇷).

BerlinCaseViewer at EULAR 2023

In late spring, our team traveled to Milan, Italy, together with Sana Boudabbous, an experienced radiologist from Geneva, Switzerland, to offer a workshop on imaging in axial spondyloarthritis. The occasion? The EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology with over 12,000 attendees in total.

Our workshop took place in a rather small room. But a very interested and inquisitive crowd made this an event to remember. We had our web app in action, and we will be doing so as well at EULAR 2024 when Vienna is calling in mid-June.

London Calling for BerlinCaseViewer

Another city, another course. London. From October 8th to 13th, the MSK 2023 Global Musculoskeletal Societies Joint Meeting took place under the auspices of the International Skeletal Society (ISS). As usual, the MSK Refresher Course was an anchor point of the congress’s program. And the BerlinCaseViewer was part of it.

Full hall in London at the ISS refresher course

A course on axial spondyloarthritis, organized by radiologists Robert G. Lambert and Kay G. Hermann, featured the BerlinCaseViewer web app to present cases in a new light. A total of 9 presentations by experts from around the globe were on the agenda, featuring intriguing and illustrative case examples.

Interactively, the participants analyzed the findings in detail before answering multiple-choice questions. It was a great opportunity to convey specialized knowledge as well as provide an overview-style introduction to the subject of axSpA.

The Latest Learning Opportunities for You

Maybe you were sitting in one of the crowds or even have been asking questions during a course. Or perhaps you rather enjoy studying intriguing cases in the comfort of your home. Or even both. In any case, in the course of 2023 we’ve had some new additions to our app.

First up, in August, we released a new module of MRI of the knee joint focussing on meniscus injuries. 8 cases in total illustrate the key meniscus injuries. These include longitudinal, transverse, and horizontal tears, as well as various combinations of these types. It’s the perfect module for anybody already familiar with the anatomy of the knee joint, now willing to explore even further.

Learn the specifics of meniscus lesions

The new module was created in collaboration with the radiologist Wolfgang Fischer, who specializes in musculoskeletal radiology and shares our passion for interactive teaching through innovative technology.

In time for the 11th International Day of Radiology on November 8th, we went back to the roots of radiology and released a module featuring X-rays, chest X-rays to be precise. In Germany, chest X-rays used to play a major part in combatting tuberculosis. To this day, thoracic radiology is essential for diagnostics, especially when it comes to pneumonia or pulmonary edema.

Enjoy a fun module to learn interpretation of chest X-rays

So with a hint of humor and even more expertise, we put together our new module “Thoracic Imaging: Chest X-ray Essentials” to light your spark for the fascinating world of heart and lung X-ray images. Did you already check out the new modules in the BerlinCaseViewer app?

BerlinCaseViewer Is Definitely Your Cup of Coffee

How powerful can a single app be in radiology education? And a mug?! At the end of last year, we introduced our learning mug about axSpA with sacroiliitis that brings the prowess from our app to a mug. Yeah, you read that right.

Now hold onto your coffee beans, because BerlinCaseViewer is spicing up your java game once again! We’ve unleashed not one, but two new additions to our mug lineup, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

You might be thinking, “Can a mug really teach me about arthritis?” Well, these aren’t your average mugs—they’re a flavorful journey of radiological insights, ready to infuse your brain cells with knowledge while you caffeinate your body. Who says learning can’t be delicious?

Enjoying rheumatology Xmas cookies and coffee with BerlinCaseViewer

Start elevating your radiological prowess one sip at a time. The envy of your colleagues? Guaranteed. Maybe you’d also enjoy the Roentgen edition of mugs, bags and more? We say cheers to coffee, curiosity, and cracking the code of arthritis.

BerlinCaseViewer Launches a New App

If you are an avid user of the BerlinCaseViewer app, you might already know: It’s got a little sister that goes by the name “RA Tutor” about rheumatoid arthritis. This app sees itself as an entry-level training tool for everyone who is still breaking new ground in the field of rheumatology. Previously exclusive to iOS users, it’s now available for Android enthusiasts as well. But still only in German (🇩🇪).

But that’s not all—we’re turning another page in our commitment to radiological education. Say hello to “SpA Tutor”, our newest addition to the family. This app is set to unravel the mysteries of spondyloarthritis, offering a comprehensive guide to enhance your understanding of axSpA.

With BerlinCaseViewer, the learning journey never stops. You want to be the first to find out about new content and what we’ve got in store for 2024? Then sign up for our newsletter and become a BCV Insider. Stay tuned for more updates, and let us know:

What was your favorite BCV experience in 2023?

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